Revised: March 7, 1995 ******** ******** ******** ** ********** ********** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** International_Genealogy__Association |-------------- OPERATING THE IGA_Net --------------| | for SYSOPS & Genealogy BBS'es | | as well as for PVT_Node's | |-------------------------------------------------------| ===================================================================== -= Registration Form For Participation in the IGA_Net =- ===================================================================== ***************SUBMIT ONLY THAT PART BELOW THIS CUT LINE************* -----------------><--CUT HERE WHEN SUBMITTING--><-------------------- Membership is requested in IGA and IGA_Net: Date:____________________________ 1- Name .............: ________________________________________ 2- Street address ...: ________________________________________ 3- City .............: ________________________________________ 4- State ............: ________________________________________ 5- Post/Zip Code ....: ________________________________________ 6- Country ..........: ________________________________________ 7- Voice phone Number: ________________________________________ 8- Birthdate ........: ________________________________________ 9- Occupation/study .: ________________________________________ 10- Computer type : ________________________________________ 11- Operating system : ________________________________________ 12- Node and name of person from whom you obtained the membership application: 440: --------------------|--------------------- IGA_Net(TM) node number Name of sponsor 13- Request a link as a ___BBS or a ___PRIVATE node. (BBS means 'online' for 24 hours - PVT means for your use only) 14- Are you now, or do you anticipate, receiving downlink from the satellite (Planet Connect): ___ Not receiving downlink from the satellite ___ Now receiving downlink from the satellite ___ Plan to begin receiving downlink from the satellite on or about ___________________________ (date) 15- If not a bulletin board (BBS) but a private node, which communications program do You use :_______________________________________ If operating a BBS please continue ---------------------------------- 16a. - Name of your BBS : ___________________________________ b. - FIDO Net AKA Address: __:____\__________________________ c. - Other AKA's Nets : ___________________________________ 17a - Data phone number : (___)___-____ b. - Number of Nodes : ____ c. - Additional Data Phone Numbers :__________________________ 18- Modem type/speeds : ___________________________________ 19- Protocols ___V21 ___V22 ___V32 ___V22B ___V32B ___V42 ___V42B ___V34 ___HST ___H16 20- Nodelist Flags ___CM ___MO ___LO 21- Mailer Compatibility ___XA ___XB ___XC ___XP ___XR ___XW ___XX 20- What compression do you desire : ___ZIP ___LHA ___ARJ ___ARC 22- Which mailer do you use : _____________ 23- Which BBS program do you use : _____________ 24- Which mail tosser do you use : _____________ 25- Which file handler do you use (ALLFIX, TIC):_____________ Rules to which you agree: 1. Messages on the IGA_Net may not be moved to any other net (e.g., FidoNet, OurNet, FamilyNet, etc.) without express approval from the North American Coordinator (for IGA-NA). Violation of this provision will result in immediate suspension of the offender from IGA. 2. If you are a BBS, you must agree to keep your system on-line 24 hours per day (except for normal maintenance). If you do have an outage which lasts for more than one day, you must notify your uplink. 3. Callers to a board which carries IGA_Net conferences may read and write messages in any/all conferences, as long as they comply with the rules/requirements of the applicable conference moderators (e.g., no English language messages in certain echoes). Your Name _________________________________ ------------------><--CUT HERE WHEN SUBMITTING--><------------------- ***************SUBMIT ONLY THAT PART ABOVE THIS CUT LINE************* Thanks and please-- Upload your completed membership application to the SYSOP who furnished the application to you. That SYSOP will forward your application, via direct netmail, to 440:1/1 or 440:130/1 [If you prefer, you may send your completed application to 1:274/30 (same person as 440:1/1) or 1:147/109 (same as 440:130/1) or Send by Snailmail to: Administrator, IGA_Net Jack Williams 902 Anderson Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22405 U.S.A. Thanks, Jack Williams IGA_Net Coordinator 440:1/1 (Fido: 1:274/30) IGA_Net is a TRADEMARK of International Genealogy Association of North America --- Fredericksburg, VA, USA ---